Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Double Take

The other night after Jet's bath we were standing in the bathroom once again looking in the mirror - when suddenly a familiar picture came to mind...
Remember this?
Only that picture was of my 4 month old baby...
now in the mirror I saw my 7 1/2 month old little boy!
I can't believe how much he's changed!
For one thing that HAIR is insane! Where did all that come from! :) I look back at early pictures and he suddenly looks bald - I think "I don't remember Jet looking that thin up top?" lol. Same hair style though which is great. :)
Daddy - check...me... out!
Only Daddy would pretend to put deodorant on the baby.
Or brush his tooth.
Look at those silly boys. :)
Having some Daddy time before bed.
Jet loves to sit with David at the computer. The other day David asked Jet if he wanted to watch "his movie". I wasn't sure what he was talking about but when I peeked around the corner Jet was watching a disney short-film called For the Birds (click to watch)- the one with all the little birds sitting on the telephone line and then a much bigger bird comes to join them. It's pretty hilarious and Jet is mesmerized by all the twittering birds. His Daddy somehow discovered this and now he LOVES to watch Jet watch the video. It's really cute I must say.
They are so funny together.
This picture is a favorite.
Love that growl on Jet's face.
Love that he still looks tough in pale yellow pj's.
Love that he loves his Daddy.
Love that his Daddy adores him.
Love My Boys.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Journal on Jet

Jet in his high chair. :) He thinks he's so big.

Thank you all for coming. I have an announcement to make.
I, Jet Penny, am officially....
I know! My mommy was as shocked as you are! And to be fair I'm not purely a baby-food baby...I am an even greater fan of big-people food...in fact - it's more like I "dabble" in baby food. lol. But just the same I have several successful encounters with baby foods such as chicken and rice, bananas and oatmeal cereal (a little). I have officially vetoed applesauce, pears, plums, sweet potatoes and any combination of the above (after several attempts by Mommy). I guess you could call me picky - but it's my tummy - I decide what goes in it. I LOVE real food - little bites of chicken, bread, muffins, refried beans, ice cream (yes...Mommy has pretty much let me try whatever I want) and I LOVE it all! Here are some pics of me trying chicken and rice baby food for the first time....a day to celebrate...the first successful food!
You're seriously trying this baby food thing again Mommy?
What was that? That's not so bad!
I did it! I swallowed baby food!

Now I can relax on the couch with Mommy.
I've recently discovered that along with my love for sitting up. I also love my feet.
What I don't love...socks.
Do love...TV. (but only for about 5 seconds. Then it's time for a toy)
Another great treat I've discovered I'll eat - puffed rice called Mum-Mums.
Funny name. Fun to eat.
I use my tooth to bite it. Glad I have that little guy.
Watch me eat my sock. :)
I hope I'm not becoming a couch potato.
See ya next time!

I saved the best for last...Jet new favorite game - pat-a-cake! This video is my favorite. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What you missed!

So I just realized that I never posted Jet's 6 month professional pics (our first time NOT holding the camera ourselves! lol). They turned out so nice (thank you JPPhotography!) we decided to give them as Christmas gifts to family so I didn't want to post them back in November....then I forgot! Now that I'm posting them I realize how much he has changed already! Man - it seems like no time at all but almost 2 months has gone by and my little guy doesn't exactly match this little baby in the pictures anymore. BUT they are SO cute and some of my all time favorites so here they are. :) A look back in time - Jet at 6 months.

Aren't you glad I remembered these? lol. :) I love my beautiful boy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Today it snowed. Beautiful, bright, fluffy snow. It made the children squeal with delight in the class where I was a substitute teacher today (for the first time :)). It made the teachers hope for a snow day tomorrow probably more than the kids. It made me excited to drive home and take Jet outside for his first snow. And it was while driving home enjoying the snow that I heard a song on the radio. It was a song I'd heard before but like all songs you have that moment where you realized you've never really "heard" it before until now. The song was by Third Day (a great band with great lyrics to their songs) and it struck me today more than past times. Today as it turns out is the anniversary of the day we were told our baby had spina bifida. It was a horrible day full of fear, doubt, tears and questioning. It was a day I looked up to God and said "How do I do this?", "What do you want me to do?" and even more "Why?" We were broken. But God healed us. The days and months to follow were a testament to His love, power, mercy and His Plan. We didn't know what to expect. He exceeded our expectations. We didn't know what to do. He did everything we could not. We weren't sure how to move forward in our hour of darkness. He provided a Light. So today when I heard this song in the car and watched the snow fall lightly as I sat at stoplights, then whirl around me as I drove through flurry-dusted streets, I was teary-eyed. I saw light all around me when a year ago I was drowning in darkness. I felt excitement and peace to replace the previous dread and uncertainty. It was like the blanket of snow was a symbol of the renewal God gave to our lives. He healed our baby and blessed us beyond measure. When I got home to see Jet, the snow swirled outside the windows. I picked him up and never felt so warm.

These are the lyrics to the song:
"My life has led me down the road that's so uncertain
Now I am left alone and I am broken
Trying to find my way
Trying to find the faith that's gone

This time I know that you are holding all the answers
I'm tired of losing hope and taking chances
On roads that never seem
To be the ones that bring me home

Give me a revelation
Show me what to do
'Cause I've been trying to find my way
I haven't got a clue
Tell me should I stay here
Or do I need to move
Give me a revelation
I've got nothing without you
I've got nothing without you

My life has led me down this path that's ever winding
Through every twist and turn, I'm always finding
That I am lost again
Tell me when this road will ever end

I don't know where I can turn
Tell me, when will I learn
Won't you show me where I need to go
Let me follow your lead
I know that it's the only way that I can get back home

Give me a revelation
Show me what to do
'Cause I've been trying to find my way
I haven't got a clue
Tell me should I stay here
Or do I need to move
Give me a revelation
I've got nothing without you
I've got nothing without you

Father Thank You for this Day. Thank You for Your promises. Thank you for Your faithfulness. Thank You for these reminders. Thank you for our little miracle.
Did I mention this was Jet's first snow. :) Beautiful.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

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