Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Guppies and Puppies

When you travel with babies you just can't bring it all with you - all the toys, food and various recreational and entertaining equipment that you would otherwise enjoy at home. So what do you do? You go to Target and BUY IT! Okay - so maybe there was some financial debating about what was a good purchase and what wasn't, and there was compromising on both sides :)
But no matter how you look at it....
The inflatable pool was a GOOD purchase. :)
The water babies loved it!
We loved it!
The puppies loved it!
(stay back pooches - it's not your pool!)
Even Ariel loved it! (Yes she was there!...okay, I'm crossing over again...sorry)
And of course her little blue and yellow guppy fish loved it!
And though we knew we couldn't bring it home...
And though we may have had more fun than the kids did...
(lol. Mommies smile as their babies fight water and hats out of their eyes. Classic.)
And though we had one of those "now where do we empty it out" moments...
and though they probably only got in it one time (where did the days go?!)
It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Park Hoppers

As we prepared for our first Disney day - we had fun just relaxing at the house, playing with the littles, and enjoying time at a different, simpler kind of park. :)
Jane led the way, waving her beloved flag, followed by her little cousin who was excited to be outside.
The park was empty and peaceful...
And DARK before we knew it.
But the setting sun didn't stop us from sliding...
...and swinging the night away. :)

We came back to the same park in the daylight, and held our first of several "twinkie" picture sessions we had on our trip. :)
Cause what's the fun of getting the kids together if you can't dress them alike?
Especially when you have one of each to pair together. :)
And on a gorgeous day such as this... one can't help but be reminded of life's simple joys...
of beauty...
and laughter...
Or that with friends, it's okay just to sit together...
or even cry...
Cause they won't mind at all.
And when you drink pretend tea on the grass...
you don't always have to sit lady-like.
Finding that it's often easier to be brave...
when you have someone to hold on to.
And that it's okay to be scared...
until you're ready to let go...
and do it again.
Because at the end of the day...
All that really matters...
Is love.

Mixed Bathing

A poem for Aunt Nenna on the occasion of her Birthday....
One fish,
Two fish,
Red fish,
Blue fish,
Okay...maybe that's creepy...but that's the rhyme. :)
Okay...how about...
Girl fish
Dude fish
In the nude fish.
Not impressed fish.
Time to get dressed fish.

Monday, July 26, 2010

We interrupt this program...

To announce that Jet Montgomery Penny
(Aunt Kelly...turn up the volume on your computer. :))
Is 14 months old today!

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