A couple of weeks ago, Jet put on his shades...
...grabbed 2 of his favorite aunties...
... and headed to the little "Fall Festival" in the front of our community.
I use the term "fall" reluctantly because it was probably 90 degrees outside in the blazing sun. Not exactly the "fall" weather we wanted...but we decided to check it out anyway. We're all about small town festivals. :)
We stopped at the booth set up by a local Pre-K and mommy tried not to think about the germs as Jet handled the toys.
It's a good Pre-K so I'm sure they're sanitary...and in all honesty Jet was the only one playing with them...he was actually the only little guy close to that age group there...it was a sparsely attended festival. lol.
Look Aunt Kelly...I know you want me to smile and all...
but this heat is making me very sleepy...
There wasn't much to distract Jet from the hot sun...so we moved on...
To the good stuff...
The sweet, creamy, cool-you-off, good stuff...
Here Jet - give the nice man his money...
Oops...Aunt Kelly forgot how much Jet likes to drop things from high places...
Jet's face clearly says "this is the life..."
...having ice cream fed to you by two pretty ladies while relaxing on a shady front porch...
What a messy face....
What a silly boy...
This ice cream is good enough to earn the "mmmm" fist!
Aunt Kayleigh...that was aweseome.
Now how about a little something to wash it down with?
Okay ladies...
...what exactly is this giant blue thing and why are we on it?
I'm not too sure what just happened...but okay.
Man...I gotta get my "land legs" back after that.
You girls are alot of fun...but I'm exhausted...can we go home now?
And we did.
And he napped.
And it was good.
Thanks Aunt Kelly and Aunt Kayleigh...your boo loves you so much.