Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Crying Eyes

Today I experienced something that I'm sure all mother's have gone through. Your baby screaming in the backseat of the car while you drive home helpless to do anything. Since Jet has been home I've been able to ride in the backseat with him while David drives. Jet has cried before but usually likes carrides and is consoled by a bottle or pacifier or my voice or something. Not so today. And this is what I thought.
When your special day comes and baby is born - you're scared and disoriented as the doctor delivers the most precious thing in your world...but then you hear the sound of your baby crying when he's out and finally here and it is the most beautiful sound in the world... and you cry too. Then one month later when you're in the car and your baby is screaming and upset and wanting to be out of his is that same baby crying...but this time it's the most horrible sound in the world and you feel helpless and frantic...and you finally get home and hands shaking get him out of what now seems to be a baby torture device! lol...and you cry too. And you'll marvel how a sound can be so beautiful and fill your heart with joy...and then later on rip your heart out and leave you exhausted! But it's all because you're his mommy...and he's a part of you...and he and always will be.
Now don't worry...I will brave this storm again. I'm not going to just stay home and refuse to drive my baby around. lol. And I'm sure it will get easier...but never easy. Am I right? :) Jet- your mommy loves you and she's so glad your sleeping soundly now and hopes you won't remember this experience when you wake up.


Chad and Kristin Pendley said...

Oh, I'm so sorry!! It is a horrible feeling when the baby you love so much is screaming at the top of their lungs and there is nothing you can do at that moment. He will get used to his seat and might eventually love riding in the car. I'm proud of you for being brave...keep it up! Next time we will venture somewhere closer to you, just in case. ;)

Joanna said...

lol. Thanks! He did so good on the way there. And it was good to see you guys. On the way back though really did him in. His tummy is upset now and I'm not sure if it was the crying or what.

Summer Pendley said...

Oh,, I can relate to this! And, first, I have to tell you...babies do NOT remember all of these heartwrenching episodes that tug at our hearts so much. My Sailer would cry cry cry in her much so that her tummy would get upset. It hurt me sooooo much more than it ever hurt her though, and I would cry too! It was such a sad state of affairs...let me tell you. Then, add in the extra set of post-pregnancy hormones, and there's a cocktail of emotions that is impossible to explain. So, remember, although all of these experiences are new to YOU, they have been experienced by many many moms in this world, and we're all doing okay...:) You are doing a fabulous job, and looking so beautiful, I must add :) Love the blog!

Meinhardt Family said...

Ug - know the feeling too well of the crying baby in the car seat. With Beck I would actually pull over and console him. Second time around - I just ignore it and figure, "she's fine. she'll get over it." :)
Jet is so adorable and I love the picture at the top of your blog!

Micki said...

So sorry Jet was so upset! I remember those days well! We still have them with Kate, but they're fewer than when she was younger. None of my kids liked the carseat or riding in the car. They liked it better once I could turn them around. Of course just about the time Jet likes riding in the car, is easy on trips, etc., that is when a new brother or sister will come to shake things up again! :)

Carli said...

Hey! Your mom said you had a good reason for not being there last night, so I will forgive you! Thanks so much for letting me come over to see yall the other day. I hated to have to leave! By the way what e-mail address are you checking these days? I sent something to your work one but wasn't sure if you could still get those.
Love ya bye!

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